Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Personal Professional Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Professional Ethics - Assignment Example The nursing profession is run under a set of predefined ethical code of conduct and this explains my ethnic statement. According to Canadian registered nurses code of ethics, the nursing profession has distinct responsibilities and ethics explains the code of conduct by practicing nurses that would be acceptable (â€Å"Canadian Nurses Association†, 2008). From the nursing values, I singled out the three responsibilities to form my ethics statement. This is informed by the great passion that explains my choice for a career in nursing. Through studies, I have come to learn that a nurse is ethically required to ensure that his/her patients are safe through ensuring that safety comes before any other thing in practice. Safety can be observed by ensuring right prescriptions of medicine as well as observing healthy living conditions. On the other hand, it is almost sure that patients would seek nursing care for such chronic diseases as cancer and HIV and Aid, which necessitate that compassion, be part of the nurse. Ethically, compassion may improve the quality and value of life for many patients even without treatment hence the commitment to observing compassion. Finally, excellence is a virtue and every person in any field pursues to realize. It is unethical to practice nursing without observing the nursing principles and the knowledge learned while studying. It is, therefore, an ethical expectation that practicing nurses would be competitive and hence this forms part of my ethical statement.

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