Friday, May 22, 2020

One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest - 2230 Words

Maryam Nasir English 12 Hamrick 14 October 2014 One Flew Over One flew over the Cuckoo’s nest describes a mental hospital where the patients housed within are restrained by the use of medication and a controlling nurse who reduces the patients wills. The patients over and over betray one another, which effectively draw them to further detachment within themselves. In an institution where no one seems to care about curing patients Nurse Ratched seems happy to break the will of each patient, making them manageable. In this way, the hospital’s day to day activities blackout all free will instead of creating comfort. The arrival of a new patient, McMurphy creates attention immediately in the ward as he acts out of routine. Due to his†¦show more content†¦As McMurphy joins these sessions, he is shocked to see what appear to be normal men told to be puppets with no control over their own destinies. His rebellion is put into action once he sees what is going on around him this is the same rebellion against authority that has got ten McMurphy into trouble with the law many times before. At first he seems amused to see yelling at one another but as he takes the entire situation into mind he changes it into chaos. He observes how Nurse Ratched controls over the sessions with a sly smile painted across her mouth. He sees how she appears to push and pull the patients as she pleases for own advantages. In response, he interrupts the therapy sessions by playing with a deck of cards (Quote page 12) he stares at Nurse Ratched and a silent challenge passes between the two. Nurse Ratched for her authority but, he also enjoys trying to break down those who control others. From the first day on the ward, McMurphy questions the music and the medication that the hospital forces upon the patients. When McMurphy enters the nurses’ station and tries to turn down the music, Nurse Ratched criticizes him, all the while talking down to him in a slow, patronizing tone. Having been repeatedly locked up McMurphy is used to being told what to do, but he is not used to being treated as if he is crazy. Although he is trying to pass time hiding in a mental hospital he is unwillingly to give up control over himself like all the

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