Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Organization Art of Strategic Management †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Talk about the Organization Art of Strategic Management. Answer: Presentation: As per Randolph (2013 association configuration characterize the way where exercises, for example, task designation, coordination, and oversight are done in a way which can make an association to achieve its objectives and goal. Jay Galbraith's Star Modelwhich comprises offiveelements: forms, structure, prizes, individuals, and system. Legitimate use of these components can empower me to make the association that I work with to achieve vital viability. For example, I can utilize procedures to guarantee it has adequate procedures that permit errands to be finished without difficulties. As indicated by Pandit (2017), legitimate asset assignment empowers associations to have a proper work process, by permitting undertakings to move from one phase to the next. Improving procedures can upgrade the associations key plan by guaranteeing all areas stays dynamic, and undertakings are finished immediately. Aside from making errands to spill out of in the necessary stages, executing legitimate procedures can likewise upgrade the accessibility of data over all regions, thus settling on it conceivable to settle on choices and take activities on issues that should be tended to. The other way I can utilize this model is through guaranteeing workers are compensated to feel increased in value. Powell (2014) certifies that when representatives feel an association remember them, they feel pleased to be related with it, and consistently submit their endeavors towards better execution. This encourages the firm to decrease turnover rates and furthermore to improve profitability. Prize additionally helps in aligningthe objectives of workers with those of the association, thus machining it feasible for the firm to achieve its destinations. Having hierarchical objectives that coordinate those of the worker additionally makes it simple for the administration to think of methodologies that can trigger better execution, and furthermore to actualize change with insignificant odds of opposition. I would likewise utilize this model to actualize a system that guides the association to achieve its objectives and destinations. As indicated by Pandit (2017), procedure can change an association by setting a way that can be utilized to yield items or administrations that can fulfill its customers. It additionally assumes a key job in making a firm to achieve its strategic sketching out the strategies that the administration can use to accomplish its objectives and goals. Executing a system in this association will likewise make its administration to stay dynamic in coordinating the other staff individuals in a way which can improve the firm to acknowledge execution. Actualizing better structure in this association can likewise help it to improve its key viability. In light of Jay Galbraith's Star Model, this component is related with the way in which force and authority passed or practiced in the association. Maranville (2011) attests that legitimate structures in associations lead to better execution since it makes all offices to do the correct things. To guarantee this association has a structure that can yield positive outcomes, I will guarantee there are various degrees of the board, and each level is made of experts who depicts great administration characteristics. From Jay Galbraith's Star Model, individuals assume a urgent job in persuading assignments to be finished in associations. As a result of this explanation, I would guarantee the organization has satisfactory workforce, and different perspectives that improve representative presentation and inspiration, for example, advancement, turn, preparing, and advancement are thought of. I will likewise guarantee the human asset office has strategies that are intended to urge worker duty to their occupations. References Maranville, S. (2011). The Art of Strategic Management. Diary of Management Education, 35(6), 782-807. Randolph, S. A. (2013). Key Thinking. Work environment Health Safety, 61(1), 54-78. Pandit, T. (2017). Book Review: Subhash Sharma, New Ideas In Strategic Thinking Management. Vision, 21(3), 336-337. Powell, T. C. (2014). Key Management and the Person. Vital Organization, 12(3), 200-207.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Claude Debussy Essay Example

Claude Debussy Paper Music is the statement of the development of waters Nine words is the stuff to strikingly place Into point of view the life of Claude Debussy and how he created his own music. Debussy composed his music as though he were to attempting to depict water; making his music stream, reflect, and pervade through the audience members ears. Magnificent structures, for example, Claire De Lune, Prelude from the Suite Burgomaster, Deuce Arabesques, and Lee File Auk Achieve De Line take after Debussy enthusiasm for music, however the degree to which he can communicate without words. Claude Debussy was a virtuosic man whose life, the start, center, and end of it, befittingly identifies with his music. Debussy was really a maestro of the craft of Impressionistic music. Claude Reachable Debussy was conceived on August 22nd, 1862 in Saint-Germane-En-Lay, France to Manuel-Achilles Debussy and Victorian Mammary Debussy. His dad was the proprietor of a China shop in Saint-Germane-En-Lay and his mom was a sewer. Claude was the oldest of five youngsters. After four years, in 1 867, Claude and his family moved to Paris, France however at that point, in 1870, Claude and his pregnant other left to live with Clauses Aunt, Clementine, In Cannes, France In request to maintain a strategic distance from the then-current Franco-Prussian War. It was this move began his melodic excursion. In 1870, his auntie offered to pay for Claude to take piano exercises with an Italian musician named Curette. Following a time of exercises, he at that point got a handle on the consideration of Madame Antoinette Mattâ © De Belleville, a family companion who had obviously taken exercises with FRR ©d ©rice Chopin, despite the fact that there was no solid proof that she had ever even done as such. We will compose a custom exposition test on Claude Debussy explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Claude Debussy explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Claude Debussy explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer De Belleville was at last Impressed by his capability on the Instrument. Cap astounded her significantly more was the way that he had unadulterated on an instrument that was assuredly unfamiliar to the person who even instructed him in any case. , despite the fact that being educated by a musician. Reluctantly and without aversion, De Belleville offered Claude exercises on piano, which Claude excitedly acknowledged. Antoinette Maude Belleville was very overpowered with Debussy yearning ability. Over the span of a year, De Belleville prepared Debussy energetically so Debussy could enter the Conservatoire De Paris, which was (and still Is) a first rate school for the individuals who are not kidding on seeking after the vocation of music or any craftsmanship for the issue. After an effective tryout, on October 22, 1872, Debussy was successively conceded in the Conservatoire De Paris. Mattâ © was so stuck onto Debussy and his achievements, that Debussy father proclaimed her as Debussy Godmother. Debussy entered the Conservatoire De Paris with an attitude that he was going to study Plano Performance. A long time later, he chose to change his major to relentless years. Debussy considered creation with Ernest Guard, amicability with Emilie Duran, piano with Antoine Francisco Marmoreal, music history and music hypothesis with Louis-Albert Obbligato Discouraged and school with Albert Laving. For a mind-blowing duration at the Conservatoire De Paris, Debussy perseveres through numerous exhausting assessments and rivalries; some accepting him good grades and remarks, others nothing. His first remark was given to him by his piano instructor, Antoine Francisco Marmoreal, on January 13, 1874. The remark was, Charming youngster, genuine disposition of a craftsman; will turn into a recognized artist; an incredible future. Months after the fact, on July, he gets a second noteworthy notice for playing Chopping Second Piano Concerto. After one year, he gets a first noteworthy notice in quite a while piano assessment; Chopping first Ballade is the thing that he played for the assessment. On January 16, 1876, Debussy showed up working together with a nearby industry metal band. At the show, which occurred in Chauncey, he went with Letting Mended in a program loaded up with operatic passages and instrumental pieces. Back in the Conservatoire De Paris, soon thereafter, he gets his a first decoration for his greatness in the school assessments. Before long, the year 1877 tags along. It was that year that encounters the lapse of his sibling, Eugene, who was under four years of age. The reason for his demise was meningitis, a disorder that wouldnt discover a fix until numerous years after. The demise of Eugene didn't influence Debussy playing and study, for he won second prize in his piano assessment, playing Schumann Sonata in G Minor. In 1878, Debussy bombed his piano assessment. In 1879, Debussy, he was granted no prizes for his piano and school assessments. Mile Duran says that Debussy a youngster that is incredibly skilled in Harmony, however is urgently imprudent during school. 1880 was a surely a time of learning and modifying for Claude Debussy. Debussy pursued an Accompanist class with Augusta Bacilli in 1879 and in 1880, he won first award on the accompanist assessments. Debussy before long acknowledges cap he needs to begin discovering manners by which he can get by while as yet going to the Conservatoire De Paris. He later at that point secured two low maintenance Positions that lead to a basically basic part for the development of his organization profession. His initial segment time Job was to be an accompanist to a choral society named La Concordia. This was demonstrated practically unfortunate in light of the fact that, typically, Debussy chose to never appear at any of La Concordats practices. His other low maintenance Job was being an accompanist to artist Victorian Mortar-Saints. This low maintenance Job is the one he preferred over the unpleasant choral works of La Concordia. During an occasion with Mortar-Saints, Debussy got a greeting from Menhaden Von Neck. Menhaden Von Neck was a significant figure, because of her extraordinary companionship and support with the virtuoso Photo Lacily Tchaikovsky, whom which Debussy regarded and looked Upton as a writer yet had almost no effect on him and his future works. Von Neck searched out Debussy so Debussy could go with Von Neck and her family as an accompanist and a piano instruct/coach. During the three summers that Debussy was with the Von Neck family, Debussy and the Von Neck family voyaged numerous lengths on amazing visits the whole way across Europe and in any event, reaching out to Asia. Debussy made a trip to Interlayer in Switzerland, Archon in Russia. Debussy had a short relationship with Sonic Von Neck, Menhaden Von Necks little girl. Albeit short, Debussy was practically near wedding Sonic Von Neck, yet was then denied after Menhadens refusal, since Sonic Von Neck was in certainty just sixteen and too youthful to even think about marrying in Menhadens eyes. This affection must have not kept going extraordinary lengths; this adoration was simply on youthful and could have before long been overlooked n. In any case, in the long run, Debussy found a lot more fantastic love, and furthermore a lot more seasoned maybe. Albeit thirteen years to his senior, Debussy began to look all starry eyed at Bleach Adelaide Evasive. Sly was everything Debussy each needed. The shade of her eyes were the ideal shade of green, which was Debussy most loved shading, and her voice, to him, was grand light. Also, to finish everything off, she sung with the voice of a thousand holy messengers. Her hair shading was red to brown which Debussy thought was wonderful. Hesitant was thirty-two and was hitched to Eugene-Henry Evasive, a man extremely devoted to his work as an enlistment center of structures. Eugene-Henry Evasive was additionally incredibly rich man and just two years to Debussy senior. Albeit a wedded lady, Evasive ached for Debussy. Hesitant at last yearned for adoration, and to her, Debussy could flexibly that affection. Eugene-Henry Evasive could flexibly her costly tastes, however not her adoration and energy for music. Debussy was Evasive sub-par wanting for an energetic however clandestine love. Shifty profoundly affected Debussy and his arrangements. On May 12, 1882, Evasive performed two of Debussy arrangements, Less Roses and Fete Gallant, with Debussy as an accompanist. Debussy was really enamored with the main lady or individual that have sung his music to date. He would spill out music for her to sing Just with the goal that he would her be able to voice. Sly was a motivation for Debussy to compose music. From 1881 to 1884, Debussy composed twenty-three exquisite structures. Madame Evasive was the main dream to move melodic sentiments. In 1883, Debussy was conceded for the PRI De Rome rivalry. The PRI De Rome was profoundly serious challenge for grant exclusively for understudies of expressions of the human experience. Controls included Architecture, which is the thing that the PRI De Rome was initially planned for, Painting, Sculpture, Engraving and Musical Composition. He was positioned Ruth for his piece Invocation, a work for male voice ensemble and symphony dependent on a book by Alphorns De Almandine. Two or after three weeks, Debussy is conceded for the last rivalry for the PRI De Rome. Second prize is given Debussy with his cantata to words by Mile Mortar, called Lee Gladiator. Debussy was clearly the new of everybody in the PRI De Rome rivalry. On his first endeavor, he was granted second prize which is a most distinguished accomplishment. After one year, Debussy was conceded for the PRI De Rome rivalry once more. His structure Lee Printers, a sythesis for blended ensemble and symphony to words y Jules Barrier, positioned Debussy fourth in the primers. On May 24, 1884, Debussy was conceded for the last rivalry for the PRI De Rome. It was then that he won the PRI De Rome with Leant Prorogue, a melodious structure. The PRI De Rome requested that the primary spot champ needed to remain for a long time to concentrate in Rome at the Villa Medici. Debussy was entirely discouraged when he got word that he had become the champ of

Thursday, July 30, 2020

2016 Early Action Decision Timeline - UGA Undergraduate Admissions

2016 Early Action Decision Timeline - UGA Undergraduate Admissions 2016 Early Action Decision Timeline For all of you who are waiting anxiously by your computer/mailbox, nervous about your Early Action decision, here is some good news. UGA is planning on releasing the EA decisions on the myStatus page on Friday, November 20 in the late afternoon, unless some serious problem arises, which I do not expect. If this changes, we will let you know, but this is the plan at this time. If there are issues, the release date and time would then be a little later, either over the weekend or the early part of the next week. Do not call/email/text/message/tweet asking for the exact time of late afternoon, as I cannot give an exact time. We will post a message here when it opens up. We are excited about this, and I am guessing you are as well, and hopefully it will allow for a little less nerve-wracking Thanksgiving break for some of you. In addition to the decisions being available on the myStatus page, letters will go out in the mail for Accepted, Deferred and Incomplete students. Freshman denial letters will not be mailed out, as almost all applicants see their decisions online, and we, along with a number of colleges, did not want to have a letter that only served to reinforce the negative feelings they might already have. Here are a few suggestions on how to react to the four different decisions: Admit: Celebrate with family, buy a lot of UGA gear to wear for the Thanksgiving break, but remember that not everyone has received a decision of admission, and so be a little more low key with friends and classmates. In other words, do not run up to you best friend during English class and scream I got into Georgia while 10-15 of your classmates are mentally creating new and painful ways for you to meet your doom. In addition, be patient with the other parts of campus (commitment deposit, housing, the UGA myID system, etc.), as they might need a few days to take in your information. Remember, it takes a little while for information to flow to other offices. Read the materials we give you online and in an acceptance packet as it will instruct you on what to do next. Defer: This is the most challenging one, as these are applicants who are truly strong students, but we want to see more about them, as well as the rest of the applicant pool, before making a final decision. Please remember, this is not a denial at all, but instead a way for us to be able to review you in full, from your co-curricular activities, your essays, and your recommendations. As I usually state, defer is not a four letter word (even though you might feel this way), only a delay in an admission decision. This is your chance to let us know what you are like as an overall applicant. While this is probably not the answer you would like, I would suggest you treat it as a call-back for a second audition. Some roles have already been cast (or admitted), and we now want to look at you in more detail to see how you compare to the rest of the people auditioning (or applying). One of the worst things you can do is give up and not do the essays. The second worst thing is to call us up and berate us for not admitting you. We will be happy to talk to people, but make sure to communicate in a positive tone, understand that we cannot talk about other applicants, and please remember that defer does not mean denial. In past years, just under half of the deferred applicants who completed part II were later admitted. Each year, about 1,400 deferred students do not complete part II, so we never even have a chance to even review them! If you are serious about UGA, take the time to complete your application, and then be patient as we review all of these files throughout Jan., Feb. and March. When completing part II/the essays, you do NOT need to do an entirely new application, and there is no new/additional application fee. You just need to go to your myStatus page after decisions are out, complete part II/the essays, and hit submit. As well, get a teacher from an academic area to write your teacher recommendation. Remember, UGA is in no way done with the overall freshman admission process. We still have a long way to go, with a great deal of files to read and admission offers to make, so make sure you do your best to show UGA what you are like as an overall student/citizen. Deny: While this is not a fun situation at all, the reality is that if you have been denied Early Action, you are truly not competitive for admission at UGA as compared to the rest of the applicant pool. It is not easy to write that, and it is very difficult to tell this to a student or parent, but when we look at this students application in comparison with the other 14,515 EA applicants (and remember, we expect to get over 9,000 RD applicants as well), they do not match up academically with the others. It is better to tell you now instead of waiting until late March, as this gives you time to make other plans. Unless there seems to be a serious error (you are in the top of your class, take a very challenging course load, and have a strong test score), my suggestion is to not contact us about the decision, but instead move forward with plan B. While we do not mind talking with you at all, the reality is that an Early Action denial means that the admission to UGA is not possible as a freshman. Incomplete: For the small number of students who did not complete your EA file, you are now automatically deferred to the next step, and so you will need to get in the missing materials from EA, and also submit part II of the application and a teacher recommendation. We went three plus weeks beyond the deadline allowing you to get in the missing documents, sending reminder emails, indicating what was missing through the myStatus page, and it was your responsibility to get in the required materials. So I do not suggest contacting us to see if we can take items late, as that time has passed. Focus instead on sending in what is needed to be reviewed in the next round. When completing part II/the essays, you do NOT need/want to do an entirely new application, and there is no new/additional application fee. You just need to go to your myStatus page after decisions are out, complete part II/the essays, and hit submit. Go Dawgs!

Friday, May 22, 2020

One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest - 2230 Words

Maryam Nasir English 12 Hamrick 14 October 2014 One Flew Over One flew over the Cuckoo’s nest describes a mental hospital where the patients housed within are restrained by the use of medication and a controlling nurse who reduces the patients wills. The patients over and over betray one another, which effectively draw them to further detachment within themselves. In an institution where no one seems to care about curing patients Nurse Ratched seems happy to break the will of each patient, making them manageable. In this way, the hospital’s day to day activities blackout all free will instead of creating comfort. The arrival of a new patient, McMurphy creates attention immediately in the ward as he acts out of routine. Due to his†¦show more content†¦As McMurphy joins these sessions, he is shocked to see what appear to be normal men told to be puppets with no control over their own destinies. His rebellion is put into action once he sees what is going on around him this is the same rebellion against authority that has got ten McMurphy into trouble with the law many times before. At first he seems amused to see yelling at one another but as he takes the entire situation into mind he changes it into chaos. He observes how Nurse Ratched controls over the sessions with a sly smile painted across her mouth. He sees how she appears to push and pull the patients as she pleases for own advantages. In response, he interrupts the therapy sessions by playing with a deck of cards (Quote page 12) he stares at Nurse Ratched and a silent challenge passes between the two. Nurse Ratched for her authority but, he also enjoys trying to break down those who control others. From the first day on the ward, McMurphy questions the music and the medication that the hospital forces upon the patients. When McMurphy enters the nurses’ station and tries to turn down the music, Nurse Ratched criticizes him, all the while talking down to him in a slow, patronizing tone. Having been repeatedly locked up McMurphy is used to being told what to do, but he is not used to being treated as if he is crazy. Although he is trying to pass time hiding in a mental hospital he is unwillingly to give up control over himself like all the

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Symbolism in J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye Essay

Many novels cannot be fully understood and appreciated if only read for face value, and J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye is no exception. The abundant use of symbolism in Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye is of such significance that it â€Å"proclaims itself in the very title of the novel† (Trowbridge par. 1). If the symbolism in this novel is studied closely, there should be no astonishment in learning that The Catcher in the Rye took approximately ten years to write and was originally twice its present length. J.D. Salinger uses copious amounts of symbolism in his novel to accurately convey the feelings of his main character, Holden, and, in essence, to reveal information pertaining to human sentiment. Many of these symbols contain†¦show more content†¦The ducks are first brought to the reader’s attention while Holden is visiting his teacher, Mr. Spencer, regarding his removal from Pencey. While conversing with Mr. Spencer, however, Holde n’s mind drifts elsewhere. His mind drifts back to New York as he wonders to himself if the lagoon in Central Park is frozen over, and if so, where do the ducks go? A direct parallel can be drawn from the ducks in the lagoon to Holden’s present situation. He is mandated to leave Pencey, but has no idea where he belongs after leaving. Just like the ducks in the lagoon, â€Å"Holden is essentially homeless, frozen out† (Trowbridge par. 1). Holden’s life has not been filled with an abundance of stability and now what little he had is gone, albeit due to faults of his own, and he sees an unsure and hazy future. Holden inquires about the state of the ducks to the driver of the first cab he catches in New York, and the driver believes that he is kidding. Later on, he asks another cab driver if somebody came around â€Å"in a truck or something to take them away† or if they flew away â€Å"by themselves† (Salinger 81-82). Knowing what happens to t hese ducks, knowing that they are safe and secure even though the lagoon is frozen would provide Holden with a sense of comfort about his current state of affairs. What seems to be a ridiculous and meaningless question to theShow MoreRelatedHolden Caulfield of Catcher In the Rye, the equivalent portrayal of J.D Salinger1734 Words   |  7 PagesHolden Caulfield of Catcher In the Rye, the equivalent portrayal of J.D Salinger Jerome David â€Å"J.D† Salinger’s masterpiece, The Catcher in the Rye, is a world to the disillusioned protagonist Holden Caulfield. The story follows Holden Caulfield following his eviction from his private school, Holden leaves school two days early to travel New York before returning home. He interconnected with many different folks along the way and fascinatingly, the character of Holden Caulfield holds a remarkableRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye Essay790 Words   |  4 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye is a novel by J.D. Salinger. It is narrated by Holden Caulfield, a cynical teenager who recently got expelled from his fourth school. Though Holden is the narrator and main character of the story, the focus of Salinger’s tale is not on Caulfield, but of the world in which we live. The Catcher in the Rye is an insatiable account of the realities we face daily seen through the eyes of a bright young man whose visions of the world are painfully truthful, if not a b it jaded. Salinger’sRead MoreA Short Biography of J.D. Salinger1316 Words   |  6 Pages(â€Å"David Jerome Salinger†) In 1932, Jerome was enrolled in Mcburney School. It was a private high school. He was the captain on his fencing team. He really enjoyed fencing. He struggled in private school though because he got terrible grades! Since Salingers grades were very mediocre in private school they sent him somewhere else. He was sent to military school. He started to attend Valley Forge Military Academy in Wayne, Pennsylvania in 1934. While he was there, he worked on the newspaper and yearbookRead More The Catcher and the Rye / Huckleberry Finn Essay1251 Words   |  6 Pagestend to twist or stretch the meaning in order to fit the material to which it applies. For example, the way J.D Salinger applies innocence to his work is quite different from the way Mark Twain uses innocence. Innocence also changes accordingly with the time period. The definition of innocence is dynamic with respect to author and time period, as illustrated in The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D Salinger and The Adventures of Huc kleberry Finn, by Mark Twain. Throughout history the concept of innocenceRead More The Writings of J.D. Salinger Essay1513 Words   |  7 PagesThe Writings of J.D. Salinger Jerome David Salinger, known as J.D., is an American short story writer and novelist. He was born on January 1, 1919 and is still alive at the age of 81. J.D. Salinger was born and raised in Manhattan. He went to prep school at Valley Forge Military Academy from 1934-1936. He spent 5 months in Europe when he was 18 or 19 years old. Then, in 1937 and 1938 he studied at Ursinus College and New York University. From 1939 to 1942, he went to Columbia University whereRead MoreThe Catcher Of The Rye By F. Salinger1386 Words   |  6 PagesAs a â€Å"gateway drug for a generation of teenagers,† Jerome David Salinger’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye, is a world-renowned phenomenon (Teicholz). On the surface it highlights a teenager’s mentally challenging journey of painfully trying to transition into adulthood, while also wanting to reject the adult world and seek refuge in his idealistic childhood recollections. However, these ideas can be analyzed on a deeper level, no t only to better understand the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, but alsoRead MoreAlienation and Isolation in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger700 Words   |  3 PagesTouch with Society In The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger discusses the ideas of alienation and isolation. He notes that if one is unable to keep up with society they lose touch. Salinger portrays alienation and isolation through literary devices such as symbolism. Some of the symbolic features use in the novel is Holden’s red hunting hat which shows Holden’s uncommon desire compared to society’s desires. Another significant symbolic feature is the catcher in the rye; this represents Holden’s ideaRead MoreJ.b. Salinger s The Catcher s The Rye 1319 Words   |  6 PagesJ.D. Salinger’s Use of Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger is well known for his works. His most famous being The Catcher in the Rye. Two other of his famous works include Nine stories and Franny and Zooey. J.D Salinger is also well known for his sense of humor that he includes inside of his books. The Catcher in the Rye has become an essential work to be studied in academic literature and its course of study. This book entails many uses of symbolism throughout theRead MoreThe Theme Of Innocence In The Catcher In The Rye1222 Words   |  5 PagesAlthough Holden Caulfield is a fictional character, he would not stand for these kinds of issues. Through Salinger’s use of symbolism and Holden’s views, he depicts the message of innocence. In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden’s hypocritical character clearly illuminates the message of children always growing-up. Because Holden is the protector, the message of innocence in The Catcher in the Rye is reinforced. The theme about innocence is that everyone tries very hard to protect children from growingRead More Comparing A Separate Peace and The Catcher in the Rye Essay example1500 Words   |  6 PagesComparing A Separate Peace and The Catcher in the Rye The coming of age novels, The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, and A Separate Peace, written by John Knowles, both interpret the lives of adolescent boys journeying through their conflicts and inner confusion to reach the level of maturity. Salinger and Knowles both discern the literal ways a typical teenager grows up with the help of literary elements such as plot, setting, character development, conflicts, irony, symobolism

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Warm Bodies Chapter 3 Free Essays

The cracked pavement rumbles under our truck’s tyres. It abuses the old Ford’s creaky suspension, making a quiet roar like stifled rage. I look at my dad. We will write a custom essay sample on Warm Bodies Chapter 3 or any similar topic only for you Order Now He looks older than I remember. Weaker. He grips the steering wheel hard. His knuckles are white. ‘Dad?’ I say. ‘What, Perry.’ ‘Where are we going to go?’ ‘Someplace safe.’ I watch him carefully. ‘Are there still safe places?’ He hesitates, too long. ‘Someplace safer.’ Behind us, in the valley where we used to swim and pick strawberries, eat pizza and go to movies, the valley where I was born and grew up and discovered everything that’s now inside me, plumes of smoke rise. The gas station where I bought Coke Slushies is on fire. The windows of my grade school are shattered. The kids in the public swimming pool are not swimming. ‘Dad?’ I say. ‘What.’ ‘Is Mom coming back?’ My dad finally looks at me, but says nothing. ‘As one of them?’ He looks back at the road. ‘No.’ ‘But I thought she would. I thought everyone comes back now.’ ‘Perry,’ my dad says, and the word seems to barely escape his throat. ‘I fixed it. So she won’t.’ The hard lines in his face fascinate and repel me. My voice cracks. ‘Why, Dad?’ ‘Because she’s gone. No one comes back. Not really. Do you understand that?’ The scrub brush and barren hills ahead start to blur in my vision. I try to focus on the windshield itself, the crushed bugs and tiny fractures. Those blur, too. ‘Just remember her,’ my dad says. ‘As much as you can, for as long as you can. That’s how she comes back. We make her live. Not some ridiculous curse.’ I watch his face, trying to read the truth in his squinted eyes. I’ve never heard him talk like this. ‘Bodies are just meat,’ he says. ‘The part of her that matters most . . . we get to keep that.’ ‘Julie.’ ‘What?’ ‘Come here. Look at this.’ The wind makes a ripping sound through the shattered plate glass of the hospital we’re salvaging. Julie steps to the window’s edge with me and looks down. ‘What’s it doing?’ ‘I don’t know.’ On the snow-dusted street below, a single zombie walks in a loose circle. It bumps into a car and stumbles, slowly backs up against a wall, turns, shuffles in another direction. It makes no sound and doesn’t seem to be looking at anything. Julie and I watch it for a few minutes. ‘I don’t like this,’ she says. ‘Yeah.’ ‘It’s . . . sad.’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘What’s wrong with it?’ ‘Don’t know.’ It stops in the middle of the street, swaying slightly. Its face displays absolutely nothing. Just skin stretched over a skull. ‘I wonder how it feels,’ she says. ‘What?’ ‘To be like them.’ I watch the zombie. It starts swaying a little harder, then it collapses. It lies there on its side, staring at the frozen pavement. ‘What’s it . . . ?’ Julie starts, then stops. She looks at me with wide eyes, then back at the crumpled body. ‘Did it just die?’ We wait in silence. The corpse doesn’t move. I feel a wriggling sensation inside me, tiny things creeping down my spine. ‘Let’s go,’ Julie says, and turns away. I follow her back into the building. We can’t think of anything to say all the way home. Stop. Breathe those useless breaths. Drop this piece of life you’re holding to your lips. Where are you? How long have you been here? Stop now. You have to stop. Squeeze shut your stinging eyes, and take another bite. How to cite Warm Bodies Chapter 3, Essay examples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Marketing Plan for BlackBerry

Executive Summary The BlackBerry is Smartphone manufactured by RIM. It has been having a large market share, especially in the North American market. However, it is currently facing stiff competition from other products such as the Apple iPhone and Nokia Smartphone among others.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Marketing Plan for BlackBerry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main target for the BlackBerry has been the business users and it has not been able to effectively attract the mainstream consumers. Such Company as Apple has been able to produce products that have been attractive to the majority consumers. However, RIM can still take appropriate measures to avoid losing its market share by coming up with a new series BlackBerry Smartphone to add it to its product line with an intention of increasing its market share in North America as well as in the foreign markets such as China, parts of Africa and Europe. The company will have to capitalize on the available opportunities and its strengths and to make the necessary efforts to overcome its weaknesses and threats in order to win the competition. In this marketing plan, the situation of the BlackBerry product has been assessed and analyzed; the available literature concerning the problem of stiff competition and losing the market share by BlackBerry has also been looked at. In addition, a marketing strategy to be employed in introducing the new BlackBerry product to the market has been given and the financial projections and implementation plan has also been given in this marketing plan. Situation Assessment and Analysis According to Gowda, Szabo, Choi, Hauk Salt (2009), â€Å"Research In Motion – RIM, pioneered the development of the Smartphone market in 1998 with the BlackBerry, positioned in government and enterprise target markets† (Gowda, Szabo, Choi, Hauk Salt, 2009, p.3).Advertising Looking for term pa per on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The BlackBerry has gained a competitive edge following its recognition as being an â€Å"all-in-one portable wireless communication device† (Gowda, et al, 2009, p.3). It has a broad portfolio of Smartphone products which include; BlackBerry Tour, Bold, Pearl and Curve series (Gowda, et al, 2009). On the was of this product getting more popularity, it goes without saying that it would be meaningless if the RIM Company depends on the sales of the present existing enterprise in order of ensuring the retaining of the products in the market. Following this realization, a move to introduce the BlackBerry Storm series was taken in 2008 and the main aim for this was to accommodate the majority consumer segments. However, this new series brought about â€Å"low customer satisfaction rates†. Another move was taken in 2009 to bring improvement to this series in which th ere was launching of the Storm2 series. However, the consumer expectations are ever changing and the competitors are always on the lookout to satisfy the consumer needs. Therefore, it is essential that RIM develops a new BlackBerry series product to add it to its product line in order to win the competition since the competitors in the Smartphone market such as Apple and Nokia are becoming more and more innovative. Research In Motion is a company that became very popular all over the world getting its popularity each day with a high speed. There are more than 14 million people who preferred the Blackberry production and, in total, the users come from different places of the world. Between the year 2005 and 2009, its revenue approached over $11,000 million. Out of this revenue, 92 percent came from outside North America. In 2009 financial year, the revenue increased by 84 percent over the financial year 2008 (Datamonitor, 2009). The company has realized growth â€Å"by expanding in to foreign markets where it held 18.7 percent of the global Smartphone market share in 2009† (Datamonitor, 2009, p. 1). Strong financials bring in investors and enable RIM to realize growth with coming up with new products as well as new solutions. However, this company encounters a danger to its global share and revenue as a number of its competitors enter the industry and come up with new products.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Marketing Plan for BlackBerry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The forecasts that were made gave an indication that the Smartphone market would increase by 19 percent all through from the year 2009 to 2011. Even if there was a decrease in the sales of mobile phones by 9 percent at the start of 2009,†the Smartphone movement increased by 13 percent despite the economic crisis† (Datamonitor, 2009, p.3). The consumers of the Smartphone have given an indication that they have attached value on the multi-media applications and entertainment in their mobile devices. This tendency offers an opportunity for RIM to expand its product lines by putting much of its focus on the needs of the mainstream consumers. Competition RIM takes up the 20% of the global Smartphone market share. Even if this share is remarkable, the company is facing threats from its competitors and it is constantly fighting to remain on top of the competition. Its competitors in this market include â€Å"High Tech Computer (HTC), Apple, Nokia, Google’s Android, Samsung and Palm† (Gowda, et al, 2009, p. 4). Considering the Apple Company, in the financial year that ended in September 2008, its net sales amounted to $11.8 billion. Basing on the research that was conducted, it was established that the Apple Company was able to take up 13.3 percent of the global market share â€Å"as their 3 GB iPhone is growing in popularity selling for $199 with a service contract† (Datamonitor, 2009, p.4). In addition, the iPhone offers a competitive advantage, â€Å"as the device is able to run upwards of 85,000 applications providing higher utility for customers† (Datamonitor, 2009, p.5). In a similar manner, Nokia dominates the Smartphone global market share at 40 percent, posing a threat to North America market shares (Abkowitz, 2009). SWOT Analysis Strengths One of the strengths of the BlackBerry product is the brand image. This product has one of the best images for the mobile phones in the current mobile phone market. The diverse business it has possesses various products for its greater range of consumers. The other strength is that it is an innovative product. The software of the BlackBerry is designed very well. This phone is greatly secure it combines well with other platforms. It operates well with various other carriers which make it possible for it to be utilized all over the world. This device is quite easy to manage. It’s batt ery life is longer than the standard one.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The third strength is the product features. This product has â€Å"a small form-factor with an easy-to-use-keyboard† (Randhawa et al, 2009, p.2). RIM has the patents for the â€Å"thumbwheel and QWERTY keyboard found on the device† (Randhawa, et al, 2009, p.2). In addition, the device has a â€Å"speedy mobile e-mail provider† and it has coverage in a large number of major nations. The Blackberry Smartphone is very comfortable to use when monitoring the e-mail messages. It is a very convient and portable way of being connected to the Internet as well. The global utilization of this product is one of â€Å"its best known assets† (Randhawa, et al, 2009, p.2). Weaknesses One of the main weaknesses of the Blackberry is ‘Global Coverage Dependence†. The company’s business model which involves entirely selling through operators implies that it relies on its â€Å"operators when it comes to launch Blackberry’s services† (Randhawa , et al, 2009, p.2). This consumes much time and the expense of launching this â€Å"can be high for small time operators† (Randhawa, et al, 2009, p.2). The other weakness of the Blackberry is the cost of ownership. This product has a high ownership cost. According to Randhawa, et al (2009), â€Å"Blackberry is known as a high-end product that is very costly for enterprises that want to provide e-mail across large organizations† (Randhawa, et al, 2009, p.2). The other companies competing with RIM have brought to the market products that are less costly as compared to the Blackberry. The third weakness of the Blackberry is in relation to its features. When it comes to setting up critical applications, the Blackberry does not find it easy but struggles. It does not have â€Å"a very large storage of third-party software†¦.when it comes to most people, its main feature is the e-mail utility† (Randhawa, et al, 2009, p.2). Opportunities One of the available oppo rtunities is the wide range of offerings for mobile workers. The increasing number of consumers will, in the future, need to be satisfied and the Blackberry will be at their service to ensure the consumers’ needs as are satisfactorily met. RIM will seek to ensure the enlarge of e-mail all across the world towards a market which is divergent and popular at the international level. Consumers have the knowledge about this value but they do not have the willingness of paying a premium. The other opportunity is that RIM â€Å"extends the range of third-party Blackberry devices† (Randhawa, et al, 2009, p.3). At a time Blackberry engages in licensing its software via â€Å"Blackberry connect and Blackberry programs† it is in a position to increase control against other users who have preference for the platforms of the Blackberry and â€Å"It is easily addressable in global markets and features certain products in markets worldwide† (Randhawa, et al, 2009, p.3). Threats The biggest threat that the Blackberry faces is the competition. The Blackberry is currently experiencing stiff competition from other products such as the Apple’s iPhone than it has ever experienced. There are various suppliers all over the world which give competition to Blackberry on each and every coming day. Blackberry competes as well with its operators; a large number of them have ensured launching of their own â€Å"branded e-mail service† (Randhawa, et al, 2009, p.3). There is a great competition in gaining popularity at the level of economic marketing within the mobile industry that bases on the competing of Blackberry with the products that are eager to imitate or to overcome this mobile product. Marketing Research (Literature Review) According to Tsirulnik (2010), even though the BlackBerry is the largely used Smartphone in the U.S, with about 43 percent of the market share, there seems that its application strategy has not been a success. In compa ring RIM with the Apple Company, the RIM’s BlackBerry App World is remarkably â€Å"less crowed than Apple’s App store† (Tsirulnik, 2010, para. 2). By the beginning of the year 2010, there were about one hundred and fifty thousand applications in iTunes while the â€Å"BlackBerry App World† did not have more than fifteen thousand applications. Moreover, it is reported that Android was a little higher but in a similar ballpark. â€Å"There is no too much going on in terms of branded BlackBerry applications and it is rather ironical considering its market share† (Tsirulnik, 2010, para 2). It has also been reported that the iPhone/Android platform do have touch functionality that is superior as well as navigation from App store to application to a larger number of the BlackBerry devices (Tsirulnik, 2010). In addition, â€Å"the Androids and iPhones are preloaded with their app stores but on the other hand, a person using a BlackBerry has to download App World in case he or she wants to use it† (Tsirulnik, 2010, para 22). However, it is pointed out that â€Å"BlackBerry has a great opportunity to win over the enterprise and B2B market, as companies are far more likely to incorporate companywide BlackBerry solutions over the iPhone, which constitutes a significant barrier to entry for the iPhone† (Tsirulnik, 2010, para 22). Tsirulnik poses a question that; â€Å"will BlackBerry App World measure up to the iPhone† (Tsirulnik, 2010, para 10). The iPhone has a large â€Å"installed base of seventy five million iPhone and iPod devices and counting, all feeding on billions of downloads of 150,00-pluc applications† (Tsirulnik, 2010, para 11). The success of the â€Å"iPhone App Store† is attributed to its marketing support which include; â€Å"existing infrastructure of application review sites, blogs and YouTube review sites† (Tsirulnik, 2010, para 12). Research in Motion is supposed to obtain more developers as well as brands which have interest in the creation of the entertaining and fun applications for the company’s platform ((Tsirulnik, 2010). According to Arthur (2011), RIM has been gradually losing its market share in the course of the last two years to phones that make use of the Google’s Android OS as well as to the Apple’s iPhone, and especially in the U.S market which was once the company’s biggest market. However, this company has been able to gain the market share in other countries in Africa, Europe and Asia, and especially in China. It is reported that the company has been able to gain a bigger market share than that that has been held by the former market leader Nokia for Smartphone sales in parts of Africa and China (Arthur, 2011). However, although the profits of RIM increased in the most recent quarter of the financial year 2011, there was sequential fall in the handset sales, giving an indication that the customers were not renewing contracts but they were instead purchasing touch-based phones for RIM’s competitors such as Apple, Samsung and HTC (Arthur, 2010). According to Arthur (2011), â€Å"RIM’s customers split roughly 50 -50 between business users and consumers, where the general Smartphone market is split 30-70† (Arthur, 2011, para 11). The consumer market is bigger and following this, problems have been created for RIM in its attempts to expand the customer base â€Å"as the iPhone and Android phones have so far proved more popular with the first wave of consumer Smartphone buyers† (Arthur, 2011, para 11). According to Siebes (2010), following the industry wide competition, there has been increased spending in research and development at RIM and this has in turn led to a decrease in profit margins to a considerable level between the year 2007 and 2010. Moreover, there has been an eight percent increase in the cost of sales during the same period and at the same time, there has been a decrease in the average selling price per unit to $311 in 2010 from $371 in 2009 (Peers, 2010). To a great extend, the rise in the cost of sales is attributed to increased level of spending on research and development and at the same time, the decreasing unit selling cost is a result of end-consumer expectations â€Å"in a market where RIM’s BlackBerry is no longer one of just a few alternatives† (Siebes, 2010, para. 4). It is pointed out that the company is not just about to make a loss but it is imperative that to the company’s stakeholders for it to maintain high profit levels (Siebes, 2010). As on one hand it is not realistic to have expectations of the company’s profit margins going back to the previous highest levels any time in the near future, some actions are supposed to be taken to ensure that there is slowing down of the rate at which the profit margins are decreasing in the short time, and to ensure that there is an increase in the profit margins in the long run. Marketing Strategy Marketing Mix Product To this point, RIM has transformed â€Å"mobile phone communication devices with the BlackBerry smartphone† (Gowda, et al, 2009, p.5). The best idea would be to add to the product depth by bringing in a new BlackBerry to the product line by coming up with a multi-media device to meet the consumers’ needs in a better way. Price The setting of the price point will be done by the pricing strategies of the competitors. For the clients who long to have the satellite service, there will be predetermining of the extra charge. Place There will be distribution of the new BlackBerry product through the North American service carriers as well as the Global carriers, retail outlets and also through the â€Å"Black Berry promotional website† (Grewal, 2009, p.9). Promotion The company will engage in communicating the advantages of the new BlackBerry product to the consumers and it will do this thr ough tailored advertisement campaigns, †internet marketing, viral marketing, social media channels and exclusive offers to current and new customers† (Grewal, 2009, p.9). Financial Projections and Analysis It is projected that within the next one year, there will be a gradual increase in the BlackBerry market share and the company’s profits are projected to increase at a rate of 10 percent per year. However, in the long run, after between three and five years, it is expected that the profits will increase by about thirty percent. Target Market The present BlackBerry target market is formed by a population consisting of middle to upper class consumers who fall in the age range between 30 to 55 years in the â€Å"professional, executive, and industrial segments† (Gowda, et al, 2009, p.4). The main target for getting new clients is the mainstream consumer market where the RIM Company will enter this segment by putting the changes in the consume expectations in to consideration. The company can bring the Smartphone products in to the market with more multimedia components to go with the interactive lifestyle of the consumers. In order to go on with the long-term growth, â€Å"RIM will target the next generational cohort. Tweets’, who are adept to technology, social media and have considerable influence on their parent’s consumer behavior† (Grewal, 2009, p.20). Strategies, Implementation and Controls The RIM to be able to satisfy the needs of the next generation of consumers and expand its global presence and increase its Smartphone market share, it has to increase its product depth. It has to add a new series to the BlackBerry Smartphone product line. In order to realize this, it needs to take various measures. One of the measures that need to be taken is product development. The current capabilities of the BlackBerry devices will not be sufficient in meeting the ever changing expectations of the consumers in the long run. The company can expand its market share both in North America and globally by ensuring addition of a BlackBerry series to the product depth under the mobile communication devices breadth. The new BlackBerry series that the company will have to come up with will have to feature increased multimedia and application capabilities, â€Å"non-scratch recycled metal, a full LED touch screen in combination with Qwerty keypad on the reverse side of the device, and a satellite service option for all customers† (Gowda, et al, p.5). The â€Å"satellite service will give out a higher value and greater utility for consumers who have a desire to use their phone at any place in the world. The advantage of this new BlackBerry product line will generate and give value by ensuring that the ever changing needs of the existing and new consumers are satisfied within the targeted market segments. The new alternative would facilitate sustenance of growth because a new product creates motivati on for clients to go on buying BlackBerry products and offer greater utility with the features that have been added. Having a complete product line, this will enable the BlackBerry products to resist the external threats that are posed by the competitors. The new BlackBerry product will stimulate a sales increase as new products bring in a big proportion of revenues and dominate over other products. However, some disadvantage may be brought in case RIM does not succeed in satisfying the changing needs of the expectations of the consumers because this will bring about revenue loss and a reduction in the profits. If there is no demand for the new product, this may in turn reduce the value of the BlackBerry brand; thus discouraging the existing as well as the new customers from purchasing any BlackBerry brand . In addition, the competitors may decide to improve on the concept on which BlackBerry may base on when developing this new product line and bring to the market an improved model to capture the market share in case this new product does not succeed. But RIM should foresee this and take appropriate measures to avoid such risks. Adequate research should be carried out to ensure the new product does not fail and serve to satisfy the ever changing consumer needs. Precaution should be taken to ensure the product has not weaknesses on which the competitors can capitalize on it and for them to bring in to the market an even more improved product. Another move that needs to be taken by RIM after developing a new product is market penetration. In order for this company to increase the Smartphone market share is the business as well as consumer segments, it can ensure that the brand awareness is increased. It can do this by communicating the superior benefits of the new BlackBerry brand. In order to bring up the level of the brand awareness, and to ensure intensification of the distribution efforts, the company can open BlackBerry stores having specialized BlackBerry service, situated in the business centers as well as suburban regions across the globe, and mostly in Asia, Europe and North America regions. One of the Benefits that will accrue from this is that, by bringing improvement in the marketing mix and open the BlackBerry stores in the existing markets, the company will be able to penetrate its markets and increase its market share. Adding to the â€Å"place of market distribution, this will serve as an additional vehicle that will be used to strengthened its communication of its BlackBerry products through customer service quality. Moreover, the company’s BlackBerry â€Å"specialty stores† offer added value to the products, through providing convenience and product knowledge to both the current as well as new customers in the targeted markets. However, there are some disadvantages that the company may encounter following taking this move. For instance, there will be no compensating of the additional marketing costs in cas e the additional promotion and distribution places turns out to be fruitless. In such a situation, the company will loose its market shares to its competitors who may offer innovative products with higher perceived value. If RIM does not move fast and delay in launching the new specialty stores, the customers may not be motivated to purchase from the BlackBerry product line. But the most important thing is the company to consider these shortcomings and ensure they are avoided as much as possible. The other move that can be taken by RIM to gain a larger market share and improve its sales and profitability is to develop the market. The company should seek to further penetrate the global markets by collaborating with mobile carrier service sin nations having emerging markets to increase the market share for its Smartphone. An advantage of this is that, in a large number of developing economies, there is an increasing percent of middle-class household who starting to purchase technologi cal devices. This offers an opportunity for the company to capture market share and bring up the level of the revenue. Going on to collaborate with co-brand with the global mobile service carriers promotes a number of consumer perceptions of the quality of the product and ensures value addition to the BlackBerry products. One of the drawbacks that may be associated with this is that the potential that go on co-branding with the global mobile service carriers may fail on the side of RIM because, it is pointed out, â€Å"global carrier brands are suited to respective geographic regions and demographics in the different cultures, resulting in different customer profiles† (Gowda, et al, 2009, p.8). The global carrier companies may swift the priorities they have making the co-branded products not to be continued. Consequently, customer loyalty as well as customer relationships which are brought about by the co-branded products would actually be lost. Another drawback may be that v enturing in to the foreign markets may be obstructed by the regulations put in place by governments in thee countries. References Abkowitz, A. (2009). How BlackBerry Does It. Fortune, 160, (4), pp.92-100. Arthur, C. (2011). RIM launches three new BlackBerry devices with BB7 OS. The Guardian.  Web. Datamonitor: (2009). Research In Motion Limited SWOT Analysis, Research In Motion Limited. 3 (1) pp1-10. Gowda, N., Szabo, C. Choi, Y., Hauk, C. Salt, G. (2009). Blackberry’s rise in brand power.London: Macmillan and Company. Grewal, D. (2009). Marketing,. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Peers, M. (2010) RIM’s Not-So-Smart BlackBerry Strategy. The Wall Street Journal. Web. Randhawa, et al. (2009). Blackberry’s rise in brand power: The dueling marketing strategies of RIM versus Apple. Marketing Case Study. Web. Siebes, D. (2010). The future of RIM/BlackBerry. MGMT 647. Web. Tsirulnik, G. (2010). Has RIM’s BlackBerry app strategy failed? Mobile Marketer. Web. This term paper on Marketing Plan for BlackBerry was written and submitted by user Charlie Holder to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.