Sunday, February 16, 2020

Health Benefits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Health Benefits - Essay Example In addition, this paper outlines a design of an outcomes measurement strategy and a plan for my organization to use to assess the quality of care and reduce risk. According to Beattie (2014), one of the ways to evaluate quality of care offered to my employees by my health benefits contractor involves assessing health care processes. In essence, there are rules, guidelines, and standards that ought to be followed in provision of care. For instance, a physician or health care provided should treat a patients medical records with utmost confidentiality. Subsequently, a physician ought to consider the feelings of patient and as well respect his or her decision in regard to care (Kleinman and Dougherty, 2013). Therefore, I would ask my employees to appraise whether all these factors were considered in the care provided by the health care benefits contractor. Secondly, I would evaluate the quality of care by investigating whether the intended outcomes or results were achieved (Beattie, 2014). All health care services are intended to improve the overall health status of a patient. Achievement of predicted results in relation to care denotes the fact that the services provided were of high quality. Poor services are very unlikely to achieve the intended outcomes. For attainment of predicted or expected outcomes, it is of significance to design an outcomes measurement strategy or a plan to use to assess the quality of care. In elucidation, the design would include implementation of action plans to compare and contrast outcomes of medical processes within my organization with other analogous organizations (Nash and Goldfarb, 2006). Such comparison would help identify areas of weaknesses and ultimately lead to improvement of services. It is however worth noting that health outcomes are impacted by a number of factors. Patients can be divided into clusters, for instance, in terms of the diseases they are suffering from and age groups. This would

Monday, February 3, 2020

What Factors Affect the Gender Pay Gap in the UK Industries Essay

What Factors Affect the Gender Pay Gap in the UK Industries - Essay Example This research will take both a mixed method approach where both qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied. The incorporation of a mixed method approach will help increase reliability while increasing both internal and external validity. The qualitative method will be used in order to explain the beliefs and the behaviors that surrounds gender pay gap. This method will involve interviews with various individuals that will shed light on the disparity in pay between men and women. The interviews will involve corporate managers; ten shall be interviewed where at least four should be of the opposite gender. In addition, employees drawn from various sectors will be interviewed. Ten companies that are involved in manufacturing of various products and provision of diverse services will be chosen, for every organization, one individual shall be interviewed. In this case, at least 40% of the interviewees should be of the opposite gender. For the quantitative research, a survey of th e payments of individuals across various industries will be done. This data shall be provided under the consent of the management of the respective organizations. Payment data from twenty-five organizations shall be collected. This will help create an understanding of the disparities in gender across occupations as pointed out by Farrell. Both research methods will adhere to ethical standards of research. Firstly, there will be informed consent for both the interviewees as well as the management shall be aware of the use of the payment data. Another aspect is confidentiality; both the interviewee’s information as well as their individuality will be kept confidential, the same will apply to the payment data that is meant for survey purposes. The variables under considerations are two; gender (dependent) and the independent variable will be payment. A relationship will be drawn between the two from the quantitative data obtained through the surveys.